Successfully bringing hot lunches to U.S. schools nationwide
My Hot Lunchbox wanted to create the most complete, user-friendly and budget-effective system for US schools wishing to offer a daily hot lunch option.
The system needed to connects parents, schools and local restaurants (stores), be fast and very easy-to-use.
The lunch menus are created by approved local restaurants with meal options carefully selected by staff nutritionist. The parents are enabled to choose, manage, order and prepay lunches for their children's.
All ordered lunches are individually packed and delivered to school or camp.
Visit sitee-Commerce / Food delivery
5 specialists
Mar 2018 - ongoing
.NET Core, Vue.js, JS / ES6+, Webpack, SQL Server, Azure
Parent features
The lunch calendar enables parents to plan and manage lunches for their kids.
The lunch calendar enables parents to plan and manage lunches for their kids.
We use color-coding of each lunch to indicate whether the order is open, pending, paid or subscribed. The total number of pending orders is also displayed in the left sidebar.
Parents create an order by choosing among available meals from different restaurants (stores) for a given date. Each meal can be furtner customized by choosing size, quantity and available add-ons.
A special set of bespoke icons indicate allergens and dietary restrictions. The navigation controls are specifically designed to easily switch between restaurants, kids and dates.
Each meal is fully customizable by selecting size, quantity and add-ons.
Parents can pay for pending orders, see paid orders' details and transaction history, activate subscription or treat someone to lunch by transferring some amount to their balance.
Restaurant features
Creating or editing a new menu item is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive meal editor. The editor supports entering of allergens, sizes, amounts, prices, add-ons and customizations. Everything can be easily reordered by drag-n-drop.
Admin features
By using vendor selection page, managers can assign restaurants (stores) to a school, finding the best matches by distance, preferred days of delivery, minimum number of orders and other parameters.
The system allows to enter all kind of preferences, create roaster for each student, add lunch times and delivery instructions, assign restaurants (stores), add menu or organization-related events to the calendar, etc.
Currently, My Hot Lunchbox is succesfully serving more than 250 U.S. schools and businesses nationwide